Meet Your Mayors Luncheon
360 E Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89169
"ABC Nevada serves as the leading advocate for free enterprise in construction by upholding the principles of the Merit Shop Philosophy, while promoting workforce development, safety, and a level playing field for all qualified contractors."
Each year, thousands of students enter college to begin work on their four year Bachelor’s degrees. Each year, ABC starts new apprentices, each of which will begin work on their three or four year Apprenticeship degree.
During the four years a college student attends school they will pay approximately $70,000 to get their degree.
During this same three or four year period each Apprentice will pay $0 dollars for their funded education and EARN in excess of $95,000 working in their chosen trade.
At the end of four years of college, IF they are lucky enough to find a job in their field, a college student can expect to earn $30,000 to $50,000.
When the ABC Apprentices graduate and become journey workers THEY ALREADY HAVE A JOB, Health Insurance and a FREE FOUR YEAR DEGREE and will be earning between $70,000 to $100,000.
ABC works to anticipate and respond proactively to member needs. As a result, the ABC package of member benefits is constantly evolving and improving. ABC produces a weekly newsletter, the ABC Weekly e-BRIEF, that updates members about ABC activities, education and training news, reports on developments in business and government, and other topics that help keep our members informed. We try to keep the newsletter as concise as possible. ABC organizes regular lunch meetings so members can exchange ideas and learn from experts. Often, the topic of the “learning over lunch” program is prompted by a member expressing a need for industry-specific information.ABC also offers members the ability to participate in state and national safety agreements and award programs that recognize companies for their commitment to excellence. ABC has its own national safety awards program. Members are also eligible to participate in the national safety awards program run by the Construction Users Roundtable.
ABC works to anticipate and respond proactively to member needs. As a result, the ABC package of member benefits is constantly evolving and improving. ABC produces a weekly newsletter, the ABC Weekly e-BRIEF, that updates members about ABC activities, education and training news, reports on developments in business and government, and other topics that help keep our members informed. We try to keep the newsletter as concise as possible. ABC organizes regular lunch meetings so members can exchange ideas and learn from experts. Often, the topic of the “learning over lunch” program is prompted by a member expressing a need for industry-specific information.ABC also offers members the ability to participate in state and national safety agreements and award programs that recognize companies for their commitment to excellence. ABC has its own national safety awards program. Members are also eligible to participate in the national safety awards program run by the Construction Users Roundtable.
ABC works through its Legislative Committee in the identification of issues and the establishment of policy on subjects that will affect our members. This committee is utilized to review legislation and meets to evaluate legislative initiatives to be considered during session, take positions on these proposals, and communicate the position of the industry to the appropriate legislators or regulatory agencies.
The members of ABC are kept informed through a variety of publications and alerts. Legislative Action Alerts are sent to members on critical issues requesting action in a short period of time. In addition, legislative updates are printed monthly in the chapter’s newsletter, highlighting legislative issues. The legislative update is broad-based and covers not only legislative proposals but also regulatory and administrative actions, which impact the industry.
360 E Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89169
Reno NV
240 South Rock Blvd #119
5070 Arville St #4
240 South Rock Blvd #119
5070 Arville St #4
5070 Arville St #4
240 South Rock Blvd #119