Being in a position to lead others is one of the greatest challenges many of us will face in our lives. A title/position does not make a leader – being someone who sets other people up for success does. 
Through interactive processes, this program teaches participants to focus daily on “Creating an Environment” which allows teams and individuals to maximize potential. 
Participants will also gain vital skills learning: 
  • how to motivate employees 
  • how to build a united team 
  • how to hold employees accountable 
  • how to better utilize the power of delegation 
This course examines the traits of elite teams while providing a game plan to create an environment where performance is valued over self-promotion. It provides a powerful common experience that enhances morale while increasing communication and collaboration amongst team members. 
The training will also feature unique involvement from construction industry leaders in discussions and interactive sessions about:
  • Crisis Management
  • Safety
  • Conflict Management
  • Human Resources
  • Mental Health
  • Stress Management
As the participants grow their own leadership, performance and communication skills, they will form a bond with other rising leaders in the community. 
The Rising Leaders Training Camp will feature four learning experiences in which participation is required to complete graduation: 
  • Each “Leadership Timeout” experience will feature an interactive workshop (approximately 6 hours – including lunch break, etc.) and be accompanied by a session focused specifically on the construction industry


The Four Leadership Timeouts: 
  1. “Make a Play for a Teammate” Focuses: Self-Awareness, Trust, Communication Participants are introduced to the fundamentals of being a Coach – making others better – and why teams work and don’t work. We explore the Championship Team Formula (Trust → Communication → Collaboration) and dive into why teams/people do not trust and what leaders must do to build trust. 
  2.  “Compete for Results” Focuses: Communication, Habits, High-Performance Building off the teachings of “Make a Play for a Teammate,” participants explore different personality types and how this leads to communication breakdowns. The Rising Leaders will also learn about the power of habits and how winning the small battles daily leads to big victories. 
  3.  “Mute the Noise” Focuses: Self-Awareness, Focus Participants are challenged to dive deeper into their personal growth in this powerful experience exploring “the noise” in their lives. Leaders/coaches must be able to turn off the ever-growing noise (internal and external) to practice assertive patience and lead teams to championships. 
  4. “Winning with the Championship Culture” Focuses: Collaboration & Results Participants are challenged in this capstone-type experience to highlight their growth as leaders/coaches showcasing their newly acquired skills and knowledge. They are also celebrated as a “graduating class” of the ABC Nevada Rising Leaders Training Camp.
Participants will also receive: 
  • A weekly ABC Nevada Rising Leaders text message 
  • Monthly message sent via email to support recent Leadership Timeout and/or prep for upcoming Leadership Timeout 
  • Individual coaching sessions with an Xs & Os of Success coach to accelerate learning

Seating is limited.

  • Employees on a leadership trajectory within their company
  • Individuals currently in a leadership position or in a position of increasing responsibility 
  • Identify and develop future leaders within your organization.
  • Retain and grow top talent.
  • Become coaches ready to lead championship teams.
  • Improve current performance.
  • Enhance trust, communication, and collaboration.
  • Navigate the “business side of business”

2024 Leadership Institute Partners


This shortage impacts ALL areas of our industry.  In the next 2 years, over 1/3 of all construction managers are expected to retire and over 1/2 of the management workforce will be retired by 2026.  These positions are essential to the success of your business and we want to help you address this industry-wide challenge by making sure you have access to top quality, proven, construction-focused leadership training.